

This app is supposed to be self-hosted. This goes for data storage as well as for the app itself. For more information on how to do that, see the getting started.

Entry overview

Words are depicted in a list and can either be "learned" "unlearned" or "archived". On this basis, you can filter and search for entries.


This app supports the use of multiple collections. Collections are a way to organize your entries. You can create as many collections as you want and assign entries to one of them.

Random entry picker

Nothing much to say about this. Its just a picker that chooses a random entry from your not-learned entries. There is also a "Word-of-the-day" feature that shows you a random entry every day. You can enable this feature in the settings of the collection.

Archiving entries

As stated, entries can be archived if you dont want to see them in your entry list anymore. This way, you can keep your list clean and focus on the entries you want to learn.

Tag system

You can use tags to group your entries. Each tag has a name and a description. I generally use emojis for their name, e.g. 🖥️. This keeps the entry lists (where the tags are displayed) nice and clean. Currently, it's however not possible to filter entries by tags.

PWA support

I didn't want to maintain a separate app for mobile devices, so I made this app a PWA. That in turn means that you can install it on your phone. Nevertheless, you'll need internet, e.g. for authentification. Maybe there's a way to make it work offline, but I haven't looked into that yet.

However, you can still enjoy this app on your desktop if you want to. It's designed to work with both.

Dark mode

Not much to say about this, I don't support light mode (yet?). Feel free to create a PR if you want to implement it.