Getting started


In order for this app to work, you need to have a relational database running. The app is built and tested on PostgreSQL, but it should work with other relational databases as well. I'm using a database hosted at (opens in a new tab) for my own instance of the app. But you can really use any other database provider as well.

Seeding the database



Currently, there are two ways to deploy this application:

  1. Deploy it on your own server (manually)
  2. Deploy it with Vercel

In the future, I plan to add more deployment options, but feel free to create a pull request if you want to add another deployment option.

1. Deploy it on your own server (manually)

You can deploy this application on your own server. Just clone this repository and run the following commands:

git clone &&
npm install &&
npm run build &&
npm start

However, don't forget the .env file.

2. Deploying with Vercel

Just click the button below to deploy the app with Vercel. Be sure to fill in the environment variables as stated in the .env file.

Deploy with Vercel (opens in a new tab)

Environment variables

No matter how you want to deploy this application, you need to specify the environment variables as stated in the .env.example file. The easiest way to do this is to create a .env file in the root of the project and fill in the values. An example .env file could look like this:


The NEXTAUTH_SECRET can be generated with the following command:

openssl rand -base64 32